What To Include In An Hr Toolkit ?

HR Toolkits have been in the game for quite some time now, but recently we have seen a rapid upsurge in its popularity. Many firms are now turning to HR toolkits for their comprehensive coverage. In addition, it saves business firms from the lengthy process of compiling policies and other documents. HR Toolkits are comprised of ready-to-use HR Templates for various stages of the HR process. The primary purpose of the HR Toolkit is to assist in the management of HR-related activities, for which it should essentially include a few things.

  • Employment agreement
  • Position description
  • Key HR policies
  • Recruitment pack
  • Probation process
  • Onboarding process
  • Termination process
  • Communication documents
1. Employment agreement

It should include an employment agreement, whether it is part-time or permanent employment. Policies may consist of a Code of Conduct, safety policy, leave policy, anti-discriminatory policy, etc. One of the most crucial documents of an organization. Designing employees is a lengthy and time-consuming process. Including this in the toolkit helps the organization saves the organization a lot of time and effort.

2. Position description

A position description includes the skills, attitudes, abilities, and duties a person employed in a particular job should possess and perform. A position description is subjective to each firm. It is essential to understand the requirement of each firm while designing a position description. It is a position description that is taken into account while deciding the essential responsibilities and the classification of a position.

3. Key HR policies

The Key HR Policies include policies with regard to wages, benefits, leave, harassment, organizational obligations, etc. Any dispute arising in the organization with regard to HR will be settled on the basis of what is laid down in these policies. HR policies ensure that the work culture of an organization is ethical to its employees and adheres to government policies.

4. Recruitment pack

A recruitment pack includes the description of an employee who desires to fill the position. It is typically provided to an aspiring candidate who wishes to apply for a job in the organization. It can include the application form, job description reference request, offer letter, etc. 

5. Probation process

Probation is the period for which you serve or are treated as a new employee in the organization. The purpose of this is to give the employee a chance to know the employer and organization better before they are offered a permanent job. An HR Toolkit should include all documents related to probation, like the confirmation letter. Since probation is an unavoidable event in an organization, it is advisable to include it in the toolkit. 

6. Onboarding process 

The process by which the company incorporates the newly hired members of the organization is known as the onboarding process. It includes the orientation process during which the employee learns about the culture, structure, vision, mission, etc of the organization. It includes documents like appointment letters, confidentiality agreements, salary account opening letters, guidance emails, etc. It can also include the employee handbook. 

7. Termination process

The termination process refers to the end of an employee’s term in the company. Termination can be voluntary, i.e., resignation, or involuntary, i.e., dismissal. An HR Toolkit should include documents related to termination like termination letter, termination policy, letter of separation, etc.; These documents are essential because it is a reminder of why the employee was terminated. These documents are crucial also because they can be used by the employer to defend himself in case of a legal dispute.

8. Communication documents

Communication documents are the documents used by the HR department to inform the employees about anything that the management feels is relevant. It may include anything from wishing the employee on their birthdays to a bonus announcement. An HR Toolkit with all relevant communication documents is a saviour to the HR team, who others would have had to spend days drafting t he emails. Communication documents are not as relevant as employee policy or other recruitment documents but are still an unavoidable part of the communication system of a firm.

Since the workforce is dynamic and is changing at a rapid pace. It is important that HR Toolkits are agile and adaptive. Yet another important feature of HR Toolkits are that the document management systems will become transparent. HR practitioners are expected to cope up with the latest technology and HR Toolkits are surely becoming the new normal. Slowly but gradually it is being adopted by an impressive number of firm. HR Toolkits assist in creating a fully fledged management systems as it covers a very wide range of topics that may be missed in manual compilation if these documents. In today’s AI led work environment, the human aspect of human resource has taken a backseat. HR professionals are now burdened with new responsibilities like managing business assets and talent management. Regardless to say HR Toolkits are certainly taking some loads off their shoulders.

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